How to Work From Home with a Cat

Managing your cat’s expectations can be tricky. They operate on their own schedule and when they’re ready for some attention, they expect that attention to be undivided. Who hasn’t had a cat walk in front of the zoom camera or lay down on the keyboard? This can make working from home with a feline companion a bit of a challenge. 

But with a little bit of thought and planning, working from home with a cat can be a productive and rewarding experience. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Create a cat-friendly workspace

If your cat is used to having free reign of your home, it may be hard to adjust to having boundaries. Closing them out of the room could backfire as cats have been known to get very vocal (or even destructive) when cut off from access to their human companions. Not only could that create an even bigger distraction, but having your cat nearby is actually a huge benefit of working from home. Instead, try setting up a cozy bed or perch where they can relax while still being able to keep an eye on you.

Plan ahead for your cat’s needs

A little planning can go a long way toward preventing too many interruptions. Making sure your cat has access to plenty of food, water and a clean litter box, means they’ll have fewer demands while you’re trying to get your work done.

Make time to play with your cat

If you think your cat’s interruptions are a plea for attention, make sure to schedule some quality time into your daily routine. Starting the day with just 10 minutes of play or snuggles can make a huge difference in how needy your cat is feeling. You could also consider scheduling some dedicated time with your cat throughout the day. The extra attention is sure to help satisfy your cat’s need for affection. But it could also allow you to recharge your own batteries, which can actually improve the quality of your work.

Give your cat something to do

If boredom is the issue, make sure your cat has access to plenty of stimulating activities. Invest in a new scratching post, cat tree or some super engaging toys. These types of enrichment not only stave off boredom, but can also tire your furry friend out. Don’t be surprised if you’re rewarded with a nice long nap, freeing you up to focus on your work.


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