Health Benefits of Owning a Cat

We all know how much joy our feline friends bring to our lives. But, did you know that owning a cat is also good for your health? It’s true! There is evidence that it is  good for your physical health as well as your mental health. Consider these benefits:

Physical Health Benefits of owning cat:

1. Having a cat can lower your blood pressure. 

The comforting, rhythmic sound of a cat’s  purr has been known to bring heart rates down. According to Scientific American, research shows that cat ownership is actually heart healthy. So, cuddle up with your kitty and prepare to relax.

2. Cat ownership lowers cholesterol in humans. 

Speaking of heart health, a Canadian study reported in Psychology Today found that owning a cat can lower your cholesterol as effectively as medication.

3. Exposure to cats can actually reduce allergies.

 A study conducted by NIAID showed that children under a year old who were exposed to cats were less likely to develop not just pet allergies, but a variety of common allergies.

Mental Health Benefits of owning a cat:

1. Time spent with cats improves your overall well being.

 Cuddling up with a furry feline can make all of the difference in your mental health. Cats are wonderful companions, cheerleaders and soul mates. A study out of Australia found that cat owners reported feeling:

  • Increased happiness

  • Increased confidence

  • Decreased nervousness

  • Better sleep

  • More focus

  • Improved ability to handle problems

2. Petting a cat reduces stress

 Anyone who has owned a cat, knows that spending time with them can make you feel more relaxed and now we know why. Scientists at Washington State University found that petting a cat actually decreases levels of stress hormones in the blood.

So, if you’ve been on the fence about adding a cat to your family, add these benefits to the “pro” column. They’re just a few of the many rewards of cat ownership.







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